Tp Protection

Tp protection was a very important feature last season because it meant you we're going to have your items even if you got tp killed or tp trapped.
But since this feature is gone the server has alot of new tp killers and tp trappers who are just ruining the fun for players. I hope tp protection gets brought back or a new way to ensure safety to the person who is teleporting gets made.

#421 - Status: accepted

2 months ago by Isaac_Fostwr for Survival

Kill Leaderboard

Well sometimes i wonder who has most of the kills and there is no way of knowing who has the most kills and i just wanna know it so it would be great if there was like a command called /topkills that shows the most amount of kills

#281 - Status: closed

2 years ago by Isaac_Fostwr for Global


Most of us know that there are few tpkillers who tpkill new people, so i think there should be a cooldown for someone to hit someone after being tp'd
For example, lets say i tp'd to someone and the person decided to hit me, they can. But what if we add what i said and the person will have a cooldown to hit me so i can't be hit?

#265 - Status: accepted

2 years ago by Isaac_Fostwr for Global

Skyblock Update

Well most of us know that Skyblock isn't much of a popular place now that most of the people who play it got bored and left. I think it would be a good idea to update it

#252 - Status: accepted

2 years ago by Isaac_Fostwr for Skyblock


I don't know if this happens to other people but, there are some people who teleport to u and then just claim the things u made that weren't claimed or places around you. And its really annoying cause think that u made a good house that took you long time to make, and then someone randomly teleport's to u and then claims it. And you can do nothing but ask them to un-claim it. I woul.. See more

#244 - Status: accepted

2 years ago by Isaac_Fostwr for Survival