Claim fee timer

I suggest that you add an additional feature to /claim fees that actually shows a timer of when the claim fees will be deducted along with the other details in the command, I think it'd help players maintain enough balance for their claim fees before they hit the deadline, I'd rather have a timer on my screen that shows when I have to pay my taxes than wait the whole day just to see when.. See more

#432 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by DuckyGaeming for Global


I suggest that the "lost ground" function that gets you out of afk be removed
This is due to the fact that if you're afking in the wild, any player can basically remove the block underneath you to get you out of afk and kill you, which bypasses the afk protection making the feature useless

#427 - Status: open

1 month ago by DuckyGaeming for Global

Anti - Tpkill

A simple solution to a common problem, the invulnerability timer after teleporting to a pwarp can be applied to /tpa requests, this would prevent tpkilling, which although, isn't against the rules, is very common, and this would also save a lot of the staff's time that goes in replying to tpkill reports

#422 - Status: accepted

1 month ago by DuckyGaeming for Survival

A different arena for cta

I'd suggest it would be more fun if theres a different warp for CTA events, bigger, better and with a variety of landscape to make the event more fun and good to play, the PvP arena just doesnt suit CTA, so a bigger area should be made :D

#280 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by DuckyGaeming for Survival

Addition of a new free title

In survivalIf a player has killed over 1000 mobs they can obtain the free title "Satan'sChild", i think it would be better to add another free title because there are very less free titles in survival and another one would be a GG for those who dont want to spend money for a title.

#250 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by DuckyGaeming for Global