Some kind of incentive to join the server daily.

Many features that are already in extreme craft could work in here as well like the battle-pass, but i feel that there should be some other forms of rewards to keep players coming back to strong craft.

•Daily Rewards for logging into survival(mainly or could expand to the others as well)

-Tokens would be a good daily reward, as it has more value than in-game money, new and old players co.. See more

#440 - Status: open

3 days ago by EdwardGaeming for Global


Increase mcmmo limit

Some people on the server has a mcmmo level higher the current limit on some skills. This is unfair to people that joined after the cap was implemented.

#439 - Status: open

3 days ago by SplashAni_ for Survival


demote ResopexTerror

bro banned me cause i disrespected his femboy friend AluxTerror for being trash. and my behaviour wasnt that inapp to get perm banned for it, people could just /ignore me and the highest punishment for me was a mute not a ban.

#438 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 days ago by spaghettiMiauw for Global


Remove the Anti tpkill system from system

Some people recently abuse the anti tpkill system, you can be a tpkiller yourself and /tpa to random ppl who are out of claim, then you can just kill them, if you fail and they kill you instead, you won't lose your items and you can just keep /tping to them to annoy them and they cant defeat of themselves as if you die you wont lose your items.
I also heard a rumor some people can duplica.. See more

#437 - Status: rejected - See reply

6 days ago by spaghettiMiauw for Global


Adding new legendary items

Adding legendary crossbows and tridents, plus high knockback items, could really spice up PvP on the server. High knockback items like a Knockback V Sword or Stick would make PvP more fun and creative. People can make their own new style of fighting

#435 - Status: shortlisted

1 week ago by AlurexTerror for Global


Adding a New Title

Could you please add a new Title named as "Steph-Curry" I'm a huge fan of basketball and he is my idol
Will be a great help if you could add it
Thank you

#434 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 weeks ago by Hirunash_01 for Survival


Server Reset

I think it would be good if the server got reset, because the server is kinda (very) dead right now and I'm almost very sure that if the server got reset the server would be alive again.

#433 - Status: closed - See reply

2 weeks ago by Scandalists for Global


Claim fee timer

I suggest that you add an additional feature to /claim fees that actually shows a timer of when the claim fees will be deducted along with the other details in the command, I think it'd help players maintain enough balance for their claim fees before they hit the deadline, I'd rather have a timer on my screen that shows when I have to pay my taxes than wait the whole day just to see when.. See more

#432 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by DuckyGaeming for Global


A revamp for the envoy event.

Among the three available events,envoy is the most underwhelming event as only one chest spawns and it takes about 5 minutes for it to spawn.I would sugguest that when the server resets and the when pvp stadium would hopefully get bigger, that there would be more envoys(chests) will spawn on the stadium. Now that would seem to overpowered, but not every chest should contain an event key, only th.. See more

#431 - Status: shortlisted

1 month ago by EdwardGaeming for Global


Some more new titles ideas because why not.(Atleast I think they are new)

-Skill Issue
-I Ran Out Of Title Ideas
-The End

#430 - Status: open

1 month ago by EdwardGaeming for Global


more mob variety in /spawnmob command

for example, mobs like piglins,camels,allays,parrot,mule,donkey,fox and skeleton horse. it would be nice if even 3 of the mentioned got added

#429 - Status: shortlisted

1 month ago by EdwardGaeming for Global



i was previously known as Piksou322 but now i changed my username: Piksoucube322
The server didn't Get my account back. Please help

#428 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by Piksoucube322 for Global



I suggest that the "lost ground" function that gets you out of afk be removed
This is due to the fact that if you're afking in the wild, any player can basically remove the block underneath you to get you out of afk and kill you, which bypasses the afk protection making the feature useless

#427 - Status: open

1 month ago by DuckyGaeming for Global


A command to store an item into your personal vault (pv) instantly

Like /pv store, it will automatically store an item(s) you are holding and puts it into an empty slot in any one of your peronal vault(s).It wil be a good QOL command

#426 - Status: open

1 month ago by EdwardGaeming for Global


New Command /color me

Hey Staff i would like to suggest of a new command /color me. It will be pretty cool if its added just like as /color title and /color afk. Thank you

#425 - Status: open

1 month ago by TheMightyBeast for Global


Better PVP

I want to say that something should be done for PVP because it's not fun to do PVP on this server because everything has an attack speed of 1000, and I want that speed to be fixed to normal so that PVP is enjoyable.

#424 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by HassanBhai3108 for Global


Modern PvP/Reworked PvP

I suggest adding the hit cooldown feature back that was introduced to minecraft in 1.9, or at the very least rebalance the combat because spam-clicking kills the need of actual skill, and it makes axes absurdly overpowered especially with MCMMO, not only that but it gives a HUGE disadvantage to players with high-latency such as myself and many players. On top of all, it's nearly impossible t.. See more

#423 - Status: open

1 month ago by WD2B for Global


Anti - Tpkill

A simple solution to a common problem, the invulnerability timer after teleporting to a pwarp can be applied to /tpa requests, this would prevent tpkilling, which although, isn't against the rules, is very common, and this would also save a lot of the staff's time that goes in replying to tpkill reports

#422 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 month ago by DuckyGaeming for Survival


Tp Protection

Tp protection was a very important feature last season because it meant you we're going to have your items even if you got tp killed or tp trapped.
But since this feature is gone the server has alot of new tp killers and tp trappers who are just ruining the fun for players. I hope tp protection gets brought back or a new way to ensure safety to the person who is teleporting gets made.

#421 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 months ago by Isaac_Fostwr for Survival


Free Kits

Introducing free starter kits to our servers! These kits aim to support new players who may feel frustrated after being teleported and killed by others, reducing the likelihood of ragequitting.

#420 - Status: open

2 months ago by AlurexTerror for Global


Better pvp

Allow placing blocks and other things in arena [like uhc] and set a reset timer. That would take pvp to a different level.
Best Regards,

#419 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 months ago by mobsking22 for Global


New Titles

Dear Staff, I would be very happy if these titles are added:

#418 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 months ago by TheMightyBeast for Global


New Pets.

a list of pets that would be nice if added:


Ender Dragon (probably reduced size)



Wither Skeleton


#417 - Status: shortlisted

2 months ago by Scandalists for Global


New Title: Warden

I think it would be pretty nice if this title was added, because if there's a creeper, blaze, skeleton e.t.c then a Warden title would be awesome too. :)

#416 - Status: accepted - See reply

2 months ago by Scandalists for Global